Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christmas: take 1.............................

Well it all began around December 20th, I believe, as that was the 1st Thursday school was out. The kids and I loaded up and make the trek downtown via Buffalo Wild Wings to take lunch and goodies to Mark's office crew. Last year was the 1st yr I had even been to the office luncheon and I of course had Garrett and Addi with me which was the highlight of the party (Logan was at school as school was still in session). So this year, nothing would do but I had to come back with my famous chocolate chip cookies and bring all the kiddos, and so we did. I made fresh cookies, dolled up the younguns and we were off. The dirty santa was dirty but the sweet ladies of Mark's group had chipped in and got each of our kiddos a little something, motorcycles for the boys and a tea set for Addi. It took all of about 10 minutes before the boys were serving each other tea and Addi was driving the motorcyle around. The kids were a hit in small doses and very soon we were done and heading home to get ready for our own family Christmas that evening.

We had decided to have Christmas at home prior to leaving for our holiday travel so I cooked up a big meal and auntie KK came over to share in the fun. Some of the highlights included: Addi Grace determined to wear her Snow White costume for the gift opening, a noticeable theme of Pirates of the Carribean, Transformers, and anything baby doll related, the whole process completed in what seemed like less than 10 minutes even though we tried to get the kids to take turns opening so we could treasure each reaction. After some family time the boys were off to a sleepover birthday party for a friend so we were left to clean up the rubble. Boy was it fun!

In the interest of organization I am going to create multiple posts to update you on our last few weeks as I still am not good at getting the pics exactly where I want them. This way you can actually see which pics go with which story. The ones with this story are from Mark's office and our Christmas at home. Enjoy!

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