Sunday, February 17, 2008

Survival mode.........................

We are sooooo ready for spring and the return of consistently warm days. Our week has been complicated with the challenges of sick children. Last weekend Garrett came down with a sinus infection which had him really down until Tues afternoon. I haven't seen him that sick in quite some time. Mark took the day off last Monday to stay home with him and I took off Tuesday. Fortunately by Wed he was well enough to return to school. Kids have been out of school here in Piedmont by the dozens last week with all kinds of bugs, flu, respiratory, and stomach stuff. It seems as soon as you recover from one you get in line for another.

We didn't let that keep us down though as we headed to my parents house in Duncan Friday evening to celebrate my sister's birthday. Addi had a little stomach episode en route which we chocked up to "carsickness" as she was totally fine and chowing on pizza an hour later with a 100% recovery. The weekend was uneventful but the travel was miserable with all the precipitation which was freezing at times. We went down in 2 cars as Mark and Logan came home early Sat afternoon to attend the Scouts Blue & Gold Banquet. This is the awards ceremony and graduation so to speak for the cubscouts turning boyscouts. Logan is still years away from that but did earn another badge (oh great, another patch for me to sew on). I spent all morning Sat getting his previous badges sewn on in time for the banquet. The rest of my morning was spent building a patriotic themed cake as an entry into the cake contest at the banquet. I'll attach some pics. Now I know it looks amazing and you'll find it hard to believe that there were 3 cakes there better than mine, I know, crazy!! Logan was proud that we got 4th place and that gives us room to improve next year.

The whole family was present for lunch followed by birthday cake and presents and we were thrilled that we made it without anyone getting sick. We have this terrible luck of passing the GI bug around the weekend we all get together to celebrate KK's birthday. All in all it was peaceful and relaxing but quick as we came home Sat evening so I could work Sunday.

Last week was also eventful for Valentine's Day which was celebrated by the kids at school with their class parties and at home with a little treat from mom and dad. The boys got movies and Addi got some great dress up shoes from the Disney store (princess shoes aka "beast shoes" for beauty and the beast). I think I have a picture. I had to work a late day that day so we had a short family celebration when I got home and next thing we knew it had come and gone for another year. The kids are excited that school is out tomorrow and Mark is off. I still have to work and our day will be marked by another trip to the doctor as Addi Grace likely has an ear infection. She spiked a 102 temp today and told me her ear hurt. She is usually right on about these things and I'm not surprised as we found out about 6 wks ago that her ear tubes which were placed last May have already fallen out. This is quite frustrating as they made her so much better with no ear infections while they were in and now this the 2nd since they came out. The doctor wants to wait and see how she does before we get another set and I guess we're ok with that b/c it's not really a cheap endeavor. We just don't want her to have any long-term damage to her ears from frequent infections. Garrett really struggled with ear infections as a baby and we were conservative per the doctors recommendation with waiting to put tubes in until he was 22 mo. Now everyone who looks in his ears says oh he must have had terrible ear infections based on all this scar tissue. I guess that can be his excuse for not hearing us tell him to do things!!
Well it's off to start another week. It already feels like Mon evening to me since I worked today but alas it's still Monday again tomorrow. Nothing too big on our agenda other than trying to get well and stay well and squeeze in spring sports into our already busy schedule. Tball starts this week so Mark and Garrett are needing some good weather to practice outside. Our next treat will be spring break I guess which is really only about 3 wks away so I guess we will survive until then. Until next time.................

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