Sunday, January 20, 2008

It sure is cold outside.........................

Well I don't generally blog without pics but tonight it's all I've got in me. I am battling a sinus infection that came on Friday night and I am miserable. It hadn't really gotten me down until today but I think I contributed to my demise with yesterday's activities. Friday evening the boys spent the night with friends so it was just Mark, Addi, and I, so we went to Wal-Mart and enjoyed the ease of life with one child. Saturday morning Mark headed out to get the boys and they went to a friend's basketball game, followed by errands to Wal-Mart (for what we forgot the night before) and to Hobby Lobby for paint to work on Logan's derby car for cubscouts. The big pinewood derby is this coming Friday evening so it's full-speed ahead with the car maintainance. I stayed home and proceeded to clean house, try to knock down the laundry pile a few feet, and work on meals for the next week. Like many we are consumers of convenience where food is concerned and we are making a concentrated effort to eat at home more to save money and to be healthier. So far so good! It was the cleaning that did me in as I didn't just skim the surface, I scrubbed on my hands and knees (2 bathrooms, kitchen/dining), followed by baseboards, intense dusting, and general deep-cleaning. I put things away or at least moved them to a new temporary place of organization to make me feel better. And then, since I had made a huge pot of tortilla soup we invited friends over for dinner. It was a fun evening but I was beat. Today was church followed by an invite to some friends for lunch which was awesome because I didn't have to cook or clean up. The kids actually ate (I was so proud) and we had a nice afternoon. And then it hit. I had been pretending that the sinus pressure, agonizing sore throat, and pounding headache weren't really that bad but of they so are. So while Mark headed off to his evening responsibilities at the church, the kids and I are crashed out here at home for a quiet evening. The weekend has taken a toll on them as well as 2/3 are asleep as I write this. They have another day to recover since school is out tomorrow but I must head back to work. So it's daddy day and the kids are excited. We are settled into our winter routine and it looks like we're in for cont cold this week. We are looking forward to spring and the boys are debating what activities they might want to participate in. Mark and I are hoping for baseball. Hope everyone has a good week.

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