Thursday, October 4, 2007

Back in the saddle again....

Here are a few of the long-ago promised picks of Garrett's soccer team and a few action game pics. All in all the season is going well, if it would just cool off. It just isn't right to play fall soccer in the 90 plus degree heat. The pic to the left is Addi Grace at the Great State Fair of OK. She, Auntie KK, and I took a Thursday off and headed to the fair for some fair food, yummy! The pic of Logan was taken at the choo-choo park in Yukon last Sunday afternoon during a family outing. And last but not least is Garrett in his chef hat. Garrett's class has been studying community helpers this week and got to walk to the highschool today to visit the kitchen and see the cooks in action. I think it was his favorite activity at his "new school" so far this year. He has an upcoming field trip to Chester's Party Barn which will likely be a new fave. Logan is alive and well after just 24 hrs of antibiotics and will likely return to school tomorrow. We are just trying to stay afloat under the load of homework from just 2 days gone. Boy they work hard in 1st grade! Well it's off to the bath and bedtime routine. Until next time....

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